Friday, December 13, 2013

Videos by Gerry Stahl on Group Cognition, VMT and Euclid

A video on “The Philosophy of Group Cognition” is now available as part of the NAPLeS webinars of ISLS at:

A series of talks on the design, pedagogy and analysis of CSCL in the VMT Project is now available at:
The talks were given at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden and the University of Olso in Norway. They are based on chapters in “Translating Euclid” (Stahl, 2013).

Videos on 50 core topics of CSCL and the Learning Sciences -- NAPLeS

The International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) is currently producing about 50 videos of about 90 minutes each by researchers on CSCL and the Learning Sciences. They are available for viewing at:

This is part of the NAPLeS Project of ISLS. The Network of Academic Programs in the Learning Sciences (NAPLeS) is a network of Ph.D. and master‘s programs in the Learning Sciences. The overall mission of NAPLeS is to foster high quality Learning Sciences programs internationally through several mechanisms that support teaching and learning:
    •    Examples of syllabi used in existing Learning Sciences programs
    •    Resources prepared by renowned learning scientists on specific topics in the Learning Sciences
    •    Visiting scholarships for students to Learning Sciences programs other than their own
    •    International supervision of doctoral research
For information on the current member programs, faculty, students, and how to join the network visit the web pages at: